The work plan consists of 6 Work Packages (WPs) that include tailored activities to improve the smart readiness of European buildings. In particular, there are two  vertical WPs for the overall coordination of the project and for implementing communication and dissemination activities, whilst the remaining 4 WPs are clearly connected with the SRI-ENACT objectives.




WP1 – Project Management

WP1 outlines the financial and administrative coordination activities of the project. It aims to ascertain the effective and timely implementation of all project activities, by regularly monitoring and reporting progress.

WP2 – Co-creation process for the design of the SRI-ENACT methodology

WP2 will start with the identification of the best practices in monitoring of building energy performance and smart readiness level. The SRI-ENACT stakeholders will be identified, establishing the Stakeholders Liaison Groups. A sample of each of them will be asked with regards their expectations of the SRI-ENACT solution. The goal is to get high level requirements from the stakeholders and design innovative national tailored SRI methodologies.

WP3 – Development of the SRI-ENACT toolkit and training package

WP3 will deal with the SRI-ENACT core components implementation. This will consist of the SRI assessment services and the decision support toolkit in accordance with the SRI-ENACT methodology developed in WP2. The main result of WP3 is the SRI-ENACT toolkit supporting SRI assessment in current and future scenarios that will offer decision support services for the smartness upgrades in buildings. SRI-ENACT partners will also prepare informative material, guidebooks, presentations and other training material, organised in Capacity Modules

WP4 – Pilot evaluation of the SRI-ENACT methodology and platform

SRI Assessment Programmes will be implemented, based on a network of SRI auditors. There will be three main iterations:

 1st iteration (M10-M15): Testing the first SRI-ENACT prototype in a small set of buildings (2-3 buildings) per pilot. An initial pilot setup will be done and scenarios will be executed; feedback will be collected for improvements in the final prototype for the full pilot operation.

2nd iteration (M16-M21): Second prototype with decision support tools tested in >50 buildings per pilot considering different national contexts.

3rd iteration (M22-M27): Wider SRI adoption through a number of webinars in the pilot countries creating a multiplier effect for the SRI adoption.

WP5 – Financing tools and business models to support SRI adoption

WP5 ensures that outputs and lessons learnt are replicated across Europe so that the EU benefits more widely from the project during and beyond the project duration. EU Policy Recommendations and National Roadmaps will be delivered. We will also explore concepts for the financing of building smartness upgrades through public investment programmes.

WP6 – Share, connect and attract

WP6 ensures a comprehensive engagement process and dissemination strategy, and ensures the successful dissemination of SRI-enact to the targeted audience.