Project Partners
SingularLogic, a Space Hellas Group member, is a leading Software Integrator that provides Enterprise Software Solutions and Services for large enterprises and organizations in the Private and Public sectors.
SingularLogic capitalizes on its vast experience and know-how to respond effectively to its customers’ digital challenges. It empowers its customers to attain their strategic goals with contemporary integrated applications for enterprises, organizations, and vertical markets, while it provides design, implementation, and support services for Integrated IT solutions of Global leading vendors.
SingularLogic has highly skilled personnel with deep business knowledge and digital expertise. It has an extensive portfolio of solutions and services, a national partner network, a large customer base in all market sectors, and has implemented big-scale IT projects for the Private and Public sectors, nationally and internationally.
SenseOne, a Space Hellas group member, is a leading, globally awarded innovator of IoT solutions that designs and implements IoT projects of varying sophistication levels, covering the huge market need for a holistic image through the interoperability of devices, sensors and methods, an image provided by its pioneering platform. SenseOne solutions focus on Intelligent, Sustainable and Resilient Cities, Industries and Buildings, contributing to optimizing resource consumption, reducing costs, increasing productivity and improving efficiency in a sustainable way. SenseOne’s customer base includes Banks, Large Companies, Industrial Facilities, Hospitals, Schools and Municipalities
The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) is the oldest, most prestigious and most competitive academic institute in Greece. NTUA will participate in the project through its lab EPU-NTUA (Decision Support System Laboratory). EPU-NTUA is a multidisciplinary scientific unit within the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, which conducts research and development, scientific / technical support and training activities addressing a wide range of complex research and application problems.
Operating for more than 25 years, it has a long tradition in scientific consulting, promotion, training and research activities in the areas of management and decision support systems for energy and climate policy, renewables and energy efficiency policies design and cost effectiveness, promotion of clean energy technologies, energy regulation, planning at national & regional level, design and implementation of dissemination and visibility actions, sustainable development and energy conservation.
Veolia is the world leader in the optimised management of resources. Having presence on the five continents, Veolia Group develops and provides management solutions in the water, waste and energy sectors, promoting the sustainable development of cities and industries. With the implementation of activities within the framework of these three main pillars, Veolia contributes to the development, access, preservation and renewal of available resources.
For Veolia, the green transformation means working to completely changing production and consumption patterns. It means placing the ecology at the heart of every process and evaluation. It consists of providing radical and meaningful solutions to major problems.
website: https://www.veolia.en/
SEVEn, the Energy Efficiency Center is consultancy company established in 1990. It has maintained its main mission today: protecting the environment and promoting economic development through more efficient use of energy.
Blueprint Energy Solutions GmbH is an Austrian ThinkTank based in Vienna and an independent services provider whose main business domain is the digitalization of energy markets, smart grids, and related services for energy agencies. Blueprint is devoted to high-tech innovative energy industry products and systems design and development using platform integration and facilitating customer engagement. Blueprint is very active in Austrian & European working groups, having strong links to agencies and associations, formerly also with Technology platform Smart Grids Austria, as well Mission Innovation Austria and associations of energy communities.
REGEA is a regional energy and climate agency and recognized a center of knowledge and excellence with references and projects throughout the European Union, It was established on April 1, 2008 as a joint venture by the City of Zagreb, Krapina-Zagorje County, Karovac County and Zagreb County through the program Intelligent Energy-Europe. The foundation of REGEA started from the desire to do better and more on the field of enery and climate.
Since its establishment, REGEA has participated as either coordinator or partner in more than 50 different EU-funded projects through various programmes, but the core of business can also be defined as follows:
- Support in the development and implementation of national, regional, and local investment projects in the field of energy (eg. energy renovation and construction of buildings)
- Development of long-term strategies, energy efficiency programs and action plans (eg. national strategies, SMART City strategies, SEAPs and SECAPs…)
- Development of innovative financing mechanisms for energy projects such as the Energy Performance Contract – ESCO model and Public-Private Partnership – PPP
- Preparation of study bases, technical calculations and analyzes, feasibility and pre-feasibility studies, business plans and other financial analyzes
- Construction project management, professional and technical supervision of energy audits
- Energy certification education and promotion of best practices
- Production of educational publications, implementation of promotional and crowdfunding campaigns.
Euroheat & Power
Euroheat & Power (EHP) is the international network for district energy, promoting sustainable heating and cooling in Europe and beyond. It is a non-for-profit association headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, which unites the district energy sector. EHP members come from over thirty countries around the globe and include national district heating and cooling associations, utilities operating district energy systems, industrial associations and companies, manufacturers, universities, research institutes and consultancies active in the sector. Set up under the umbrella of EHP, DHC+ Platform, the European hub for research & innovation in district heating and cooling, is a strong group of stakeholders from academia, research, business, and industry committed to move to a sustainable energy system. Through DHC+ Platform, EHP is engaged in a diverse portfolio of EU-funded projects contributing to an efficient and sustainable energy system, disseminates the research outcomes and advocates for district energy innovation in Europe.
Riga Planning Region
Riga Planning Region, shortened as RPR is one of five planning regions of Latvia, situated in the central part of Latvia, in and around the metropolis of Riga. It functions as a derived public authority responsible for development planning and monitoring at regional level.
Black Sea Energy Research Centre
The Black Sea Energy Research Centre is a non-governmental organization in public interest founded in 2007, as a successor of the Black Sea Regional Energy Centre, established in 1995 at the initiative of the European Commission and the countries of the Black Sea Region. BSERC is registered in Sofia, Bulgaria according to the national legislation.
BSERC acts as a focal point for energy related activities, aimed at developing the co-operation between the Black Sea region countries and the EU in the energy field. Apart from its international activities BSERC is actively involved in the Bulgarian energy issues.
BSERC has a wide network of high-level energy experts providing services to the Centre, which enables the good co-operation among the energy market players, including energy sector organizations, ministries, public and private enterprises, and individuals, not only in Bulgaria, but also in the whole Black Sea region, and thus ensures the opportunity to meet the actual needs of the energy market actors.
The main fields of activity of the Centre are:
- Security of the energy supply;
- Promotion of renewable energy and climate protection;
- Energy efficiency and rational use of energy;
- Climate change mitigation.
Within these fields, BSERC is carrying out research, market studies, cost-benefit analyses of policies, project feasibility studies, energy scenario modelling and evaluation, stakeholder engagement, training, and dissemination of information.
ISPE is a private Romanian company providing consulting and engineering services in the fields of energy and environment. National leader on the market of energy engineering, ISPE is the general designer for virtually the entire National Power System (generation, transmission and distribution).
ISPE provides innovative and sustainable solutions in the field of energy and environmental protection; develops complex energy market analyses, forecasts and roadmaps, impact assessments and modelling; develops innovative and sustainable solutions for municipal and industrial clients, in the field of low energy & carbon neutral technologies for increasing the energy efficiency in buildings and industry, enhancing the use of RES and energy storage systems and reducing the carbon footprint.
As strategic local partner and Sustainable Energy Action Plan developer for municipalities, ISPE’s goal is to deploy and replicate projects for twinning the EU effort and implementing both sustainable & smart technologies and business solutions. In order to promote a sustainable urban development concept ISPE is constantly customising solutions for municipalities related to: energy savings, cost-effectiveness, green procurements, risk assessment, proposals for improving existing regulatory frameworks, quality of life, citizen empowerment and engagement, resources efficiency, CO2 emissions reductions and cleaner environment. In all its projects deployed in urban areas, ISPE proposed sustainable and cost-effective solutions for carbon neutral cities, by: increasing energy efficiency by promoting nearly zero-energy buildings; implementing high efficient cogeneration and DHC systems; using local RES potential; creating smart and green infrastructures via smarter grids (electricity, centralized heating, natural gas, water and sewerage etc.); integrated solid municipal wastes management, etc.
As technological, financial and know-how resources integrator ISPE has excellent connections with governmental authorities, local administrations and utilities providers. For the last 20 years, ISPE has been the main adviser of the Romanian Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Environment in the process of implementing the new European legislation and of promoting sustainable development. In the field of environmental protection ISPE’s main activities include: strategic advice regarding EU-ETS (for the Romanian government, other environmental authorities and industry); GHG inventories, data monitoring and reporting, etc.
The company gained a broad experience in implementing and developing RDI solutions in projects funded by the National RDI Program as well as European programs such as: FP5, FP6, FP7, BS-ERA.NET, FENCO-ERA.NET, RFCS, Horizon2020, etc.