SRI-ENACT tools and solutions will be evaluated in large-scale pilots across EU, targeting 1.200 SRI assessments. The SRI Assessment Programmes (1 per pilot country) will be implemented in three engagement cycles (‘Testing’, ‘Scale up’ and ‘Replication’ cycles). The consortium partners will offer training packages to potential SRI auditors (building a network of 120 SRI auditors).

Group training seminars and a series of webinars will be organised in the 8 pilot countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Latvia, Romania and Spain) so that interested individuals can become SRI auditors. Interested individuals may include: facility and energy managers, service providers, representatives of energy agencies and local authorities, energy auditors and other energy experts, as well as other consultants, professionals and entrepreneurs in the field of building performance and sustainable energy, university graduates and young scientists. As such, an online registry of SRI auditors will be created in each country that will support the implementation of SRI assessments