Short Description:

The Black Sea Energy Research Centre is an association of energy experts prominent in the different fields of the energy science and practice. Since 1995, the Centre has been researching and promoting sustainable energy policies and practices in Bulgaria and the other Black Sea region countries.

Long Description:

The Black Sea Energy Research Centre is a non-governmental organization in public interest founded in 2007, as a successor of the Black Sea Regional Energy Centre, established in 1995 at the initiative of the European Commission and the countries of the Black Sea Region. BSERC is registered in Sofia, Bulgaria according to the national legislation.

BSERC acts as a focal point for energy related activities, aimed at developing the co-operation between the Black Sea region countries and the EU in the energy field. Apart from its international activities BSERC is actively involved in the Bulgarian energy issues.

BSERC has a wide network of high-level energy experts providing services to the Centre, which enables the good co-operation among the energy market players, including energy sector organizations, ministries, public and private enterprises, and individuals, not only in Bulgaria, but also in the whole Black Sea region, and thus ensures the opportunity to meet the actual needs of the energy market actors.

The main fields of activity of the Centre are:

  • Security of the energy supply;
  • Promotion of renewable energy and climate protection;
  • Energy efficiency and rational use of energy;
  • Climate change mitigation.

Within these fields, BSERC is carrying out research, market studies, cost-benefit analyses of policies, project feasibility studies, energy scenario modelling and evaluation, stakeholder engagement, training, and dissemination of information.
